
BARNES Ryan lee
Designated Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Linguistic Landscape, Computer Assisted Language Learning

Designated Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Academic Writing, French, France, Alimentary cultures, Geography

BOURNE Christopher
Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Operator algebras, noncommutative geometry, index theory, mathematical physics, topological phases of matter

HAMLITSCH, Nathan Jesse
Designated Lecturer of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Cognitive Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Frame Semantics, Construction Morphology, Loanwords, Scientific Skepticism

IMURA, Keiichiro
Lecturer of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Strongly Correlated Electrons System, Valence fluctuation, Magnetism

KODAMA, Hideaki
Designated Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Cognitive Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Frame Semantics, Construction Morphology, Loanwords, Scientific Skepticism

KOIZUMI, Takashi
Lecturer of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Foreign Language Education

KOMATSU, Masahiro
Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Elementary Particle/Atomic Nucleus/Cosmic Ray/Space Physics

LAI, Wailing
Designated Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Philosophy of Cognitive Science

LU, Jian
Designated Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics

Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Foreign Language Education

NAKAMURA, Yasuyuki
Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Learning Analytics / Educational Technology / Statistical Physics

Director of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Professor of Graduate School of Mathematics
Differential Geometry

Designated Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Linguistics,English linguistics ,Sociolinguistics

Designated Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Language teacher training, Critical pedagogy, Ideologies of English in Japan

RICHARD Serge charles
Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
functional analysis, spectral and scattering theory, index theorems in scattering theory, Mourre theory, magnetic systems

SHUKU, Yoshiaki
Lecturer of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Solid State Physics, Crystal Engineering, Molecular Design

TOOHEY David Edward
Designated Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Political Science, Cultural Sudies, Immigration Studies, Critical Theory

Deputy Head of Academic Writing Education Division
Professor of Graduate School of Humanities
Linguistics, Phonetics, Korean

VASSILEVA Maria Nikolaeva
Associate Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Food and Health / Molecular Epidemiology / Biology Science Education/ Internationalization of Higher Education

Vice-Director, Professor of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Communication/Network Engineering,Educational technology