科目名 【日本語】英語(コミュニケーション)
科目名 【英語】Academic English Communication
主担当教員 【日本語】PEDDIE Francis david
主担当教員 【英語】PEDDIE Francis david
開講期・開講時間帯Ⅱ 金曜日 1時限

The aim of this course is to improve students’ communication ability mainly in terms of listening and speaking. It will help students develop their basic abilities with respect to daily conversation, discussions, and presentations. This class will focus on how to gather and present information about Japanese culture, as if the students were cultural ambassadors for Japan. The theme of the course is Understanding Japan. The first half of the course will involve use of textbook lessons to familiarize students with necessary vocabulary to discuss famous places in Japan and aspects of Japanese language and culture. The second half will be dedicated to preparing a PowerPoint presentation to introduce different aspects of life in Japan. The presentations will involve an initial rehearsal session with feedback from the instructor and classmates to improve any weak points, and a final presentation that will be the cumulative assignment for the course.
The students will be evaluated based on active participation in class discussion, the preparation for the presentation, and the two results presentations (rehearsal and final). Students who miss 5 sessions without any notification to the instructor will automatically receive an evaluation of F.
Surprising Japan! Alice Gordenker and John Rucynski Shohakusha 978-4-88198-675-2 \ 1900 plus tax
課外学習として「Academic Express3」を課し、その消化率に基づく評価を授業全体の評価の20%とする。また、TOEFL ITP(Listening,Structure)の評価を30%とする。5回以上欠席をした場合、「欠席」の評価がつく。英語検定試験による単位認定を申請する学生以外は、履修取り下げを認めない。
There will be a NUCT website for class materials, communication, and to track evaluation.
The purpose of this course is to help students improve their foreign language proficiency, understand foreign cultures, and acquire the knowledge required in a globalized society. This course will help students improve their communicative ability and master basic skills for discussion and presentations.
課外学習の説明資料は、アカデミック・イングリッシュ支援室のサイト ( http://elearn.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/access/ ) からダウンロードすること。

This course involves a lot of discussion, so students should be prepared to talk and participate actively even though the class will be conducted remotely. If students miss online classes five times with no explanation they will automatically fail the class. There are many in-class activities so attendance is essential. The presentation requires a high level of preparation. The course is taught in English with some Japanese used to discuss presentation approach and content.