科目名 【日本語】英語(コミュニケーション)
科目名 【英語】Academic English Communication
主担当教員 【日本語】S.McGuire
主担当教員 【英語】MCGUIRE Steve
開講期・開講時間帯Ⅱ 月曜日 1時限

Students will learn to "tell the stories" in many different kinds of artwork from around the world and express and support their opinions. Students will work individually, in pairs,in groups,and as a whole class.
We will focus on fluency in speaking and writing but will cover all skills.
The schedule below is preliminary and will change according to class ability and interest.
1.Course, Moodle software, self-introductions;English evaluation;Lesson 1 Artwork
2.Artworks 2, 3, starting our class glossary
3.Artworks 4, 5, memory challenge, chat, vocabulary assessment
4.Artworks 6 sketching while listening to a description
5.Artworks 7, 8 Say it! Activity
6.Artworks 9,10 "4/3/2" activity, Q/A forum
7.Artwork 11 practice describing, describing while other student draws
8.Artwork 12 practice describing, describing while other student draws
9.Artwork 13 Listening CLOZE quiz
10.Artwork 14, 15 using the Say It! Activity, paraphrasing, pathmarker evaluation
11.Artwork 16 Listening and drawing activity (same activity as week 4)
12.Artwork 17, 18 ABCD>AAAA BBBB>ABCD group discussions
13.Artwork 19, ikeepbookmarks.com/nua, catching up on homework
14.Final practice for final evaluations
15.Final oral and written evaluation
Some familiarity with computers helpful, but not necessary.
Participation in in-class activities, completion of all writing and audio
recording assignments, quizzes, final writing and recording evaluations is
required (50%). E-learning (20%) and TOEFL-ITP score (30%) will be added.
Xreading VL: 6 month subscription
Publisher: Learning Systems. ISBN: 9784865390698
Materials provided by the teacher through the Internet.
課外学習として「Academic Express3」を課し、その消化率に基づく評価を授業全体の評価の20%とする。また、TOEFL ITP(Listening,Structure)の評価を30%とする。5回以上欠席をした場合、「欠席」の評価がつく。英語検定試験による単位認定を申請する学生以外は、履修取り下げを認めない。
The purpose of this course is to help students improve their foreign language proficiency, understand foreign cultures, and acquire the knowledge required in a globalized society. This course will help students improve their communicative ability and master basic skills for discussion and presentations.
課外学習の説明資料は、アカデミック・イングリッシュ支援室のサイト ( http://elearn.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/access/ ) からダウンロードすること。
Our goals will be fluency in expressing and supporting opinions mainly in speaking and listening and also reading and writing. Students will learn to "tell the story" behind artworks and at the same time improve critical thinking skills.You have been studying English for many years, but may not have had the chance to really express yourself. Students over the past few years have seemed to really enjoy and learn from the materials we use.