2019年度 シラバス情報詳細







The aim of this class is to help students develop their skills in using written English. The focus is on three academic writing forms: essays, research reports, and book reviews.




We will briefly review the process of writing well-structured papers. We will read and discuss instruction on the content and format of common academic writing assignments. Participants will produce three papers for grading: an argumentative essay, a report based on library research, and a book review. Participants will read one another's writing and offer suggestions for improvement. In addition, participants will read extensively and complete timed writing for practice.

Together with the teacher, all students will discuss writing exercises they completed before class. Together, we will all develop a broader understanding of the writing process.

This seminar features some discussion of the writing process and the mechanics of paragraphs and sentences. The main focus, however, is on genres of academic writing often used in university or graduate school.


Grades for this seminar are based on participation and attendance, and your efforts to help classmates revise their work, as well as the content, argumentation, and clarity of your written assignments.


Reading assignments are on the NUCT website.


None is required, but an English dictionary may be useful.






Content and pace of the class will be tailored to the needs of the students enrolled. If you have particular needs related to writing, please inform the instructor.
