2019年度 シラバス情報詳細







Students will improve their reading skills through assigned readings and readings of their choice. The assigned reading will be about: 1.) media & politics; 2.) music; and 3.) the Southwestern part of the United States.




Week 1: Introduction and Discussion of Reading Strategies
Weeks 2-4: Readings about Media and Politics
Week 5: Presentations about Media and Politics
Weeks 6-8: Readings about Music
Week 9: Presentations about Music
Weeks 10-13: Readings about the Southwest Part of the United States
Week 14: Presentations about the Southwest Part of the United States
Week 15: Summary and Class Evaluation
Students will give short reports on articles of their choice during various classes.
[Schedule subject to change]


Presentations about the readings 45%; participation 15% (including taking notes); short reports on articles of their choice 30%; and reading comprehension and vocabulary quizzes; 10%.


Handouts with readings and comprehension questions will be given in class. Sometimes students will be required to get readings from the Internet or library search engines (JSTOR, etc.)




注意事項: 5回以上授業を欠席した場合は「欠席」とする。履修取り下げ制度を採用しない。




This is an advanced level reading class. Therefore, the purpose of this class is to read about real issues outside of textbooks. Through these readings students will improve their reading skills and strategies. Students will do this through 10-minute presentations which the teacher will evaluate and other students will provide commentary on. Students will improve their reading confidence through practice, short presentations, and learning new reading strategies.
