2019年度 シラバス情報詳細



ドライデン いづみ








1. In this advanced reading course, students choose university-level books from the “Very Short Introductions” series (Oxford University Press) in the Central Library of the university and read as many titles as they can during the semester.

2. In groups, students discuss their readings by explaining the contents and the issues of their books and by asking each other questions in order to deepen their understanding and improve their comprehension skills. Students also write a book report on each title they read.

3. On the first day of class, the instructor explains the goals and purposes of extensive reading and provides a list of titles in "Very Short Introductions." In subsequent class meetings, the instructor provides handouts to help the students read, analyse, discuss, and report on their readings.


Students' in-class reports (30%), classroom discussions (30%), book reports (40%).


No textbook.


For support, students will receive a list of titles in "Very Short Introductions" and other resources devoted to advanced reading.





“If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss
