2019年度 シラバス情報詳細











Each lesson of the course will be divided into a speech giving section and an
extensive reading section. In the speech giving half of the lesson, student
will take it in turns to give short (approximately 10 minute) oral
presentations in English on matters of their own choosing. The aim here is to
break away from dependence on textbooks or simulated communication and move
instead towards genuine communication organized by the students themselves.
Accordingly, students will not be obliged to talk about particular topics but
will be free to speak about anything that interests them and which they feel
will be of interest to their classmates. Students will be expected to give
either two or three presentations, depending on the number of students who
take the course. After each presentation the teacher will provide the
presenter with a detailed feedback report on his or her overall performance.

In the extensive reading half of the lesson, students will make use of a series
of short and entertaining books known as Graded Readers. These are books with
different levels of difficulty written specifically for learners of English.
Students will be expected to progress through the series of graded readers,
reading at their own pace but aiming to gradually increase both their speed
and their level of reading comprehension. At this stage, after reading each
book, students will be required to write a brief report, giving their personal
reaction to the book and describing their experience of reading it. Finally,
students will be given the opportunity to discuss their reading with the
instructor who will review their book reports and give them feedback and
advice on how to further improve their reading ability.


20% based on the number of pages of Graded Readers that each student reads;
20% will be based on students' speeches; book reports (5%) and attendance (5%);
e-learning (20%); public tests (30%).


None. Students will be responsible for producing handouts for their own
speeches. All the graded readers are available for borrowing in the Central
Library of the university.


None. However, students may find it beneficial to use an English-English
Learners Dictionary, either in printed or electronic form. One of the best
such dictionaries currently available is the Longman Dictionary of
Contemporary English.


対面授業に加え、課外学習として、英語(中級)用「ぎゅっとe」リーディングを課し、その消化率に基づく評価を授業全体の評価の20%とする。またTOEFLITP (Reading)およびCriterionの評価を30%とする。なお、5回以上欠席をした場合、「欠席」の評価がつく。履修取り下げ制度は採用しない。



課外学習の説明資料は、アカデミック・イングリッシュ支援室のサイト ( http://elearn.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/access/ ) からダウンロードすること。

Always expect the unexpected!
