2019年度 シラバス情報詳細











1. Introduction
2. Paragraphs and Paragraph Types
3. How to Write Clearly and the Components of Good Writing
4. Writing the 5 Types of Paragraphs
5. Reading an Academic Descriptive Essay
6. Descriptive Essays Structure and Expressions
7. Writing Descriptive Essays
8. Reading an Academic Comparison Essay
9. Comparison Essays Structure and Expressions
10. Writing Comparative Essays
11. Reading an Academic Cause and Effect Essay
12. Cause and Effect Essays Structure and Expressions
12. Writing Cause and Effect Essays
13. Classification Essays Structure and Expressions
14. Writing Classification Essays
15. Class Summary: Choosing the Correct Paragraph and Essay Style
[Schedule and topics subject to change]


In class writing 30% 2) evaluating writings 10% 3) tests and quizzes 10% 4) Gyutto-e 20% 5) Standardized tests 30%


Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon and David Clabeaux. Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays. 3rd edition. National Geographic/Cengage Learning, 1285194926, 2900 Yen


Bring an English dictionary to all classes.


対面授業に加え、課外学習として、英語(中級)用「ぎゅっとe」リーディングを課し、その消化率に基づく評価を授業全体の評価の20%とする。またTOEFLITP (Reading)およびCriterionの評価を30%とする。なお、5回以上欠席をした場合、「欠席」の評価がつく。履修取り下げ制度は採用しない。




課外学習の説明資料は、アカデミック・イングリッシュ支援室のサイト ( http://elearn.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/access/ ) からダウンロードすること。
Please be prepared to write and to read others’ writing in this class. Also, please note that part of your grade is based on your ability to give constructive criticisms about others’ writing (for example, how to improve writing structure, mistakes, and word choice).  

In this class you will expand your reading and writing skills. Active class participation based on writing and evaluating other students’ writing is crucial to your success. You will improve your reading skills by reading relevant published English-language writings. This class will also focus on principles of organizing academic level texts that are useful for writing research.
