2019年度 シラバス情報詳細



三輪 晃司






Please refer to the guidelines on the undergraduate English studies.


While the course consists of both reading and writing components, weekly classes will primarily focus on the latter. The textbook will be used as follows:

Week 1: Introduction to Academic English Basic
Week 2: What is a paragraph? (Unit 1)
Week 3: The topic sentence (Unit 3)
Week 4: Supporting and concluding sentences (Unit 4)
Week 5: Paragraph review (Unit 5), APA style
Week 6: Developing ideas (Unit 2), APA style
Week 7: Definition paragraphs (Unit 6), APA style
Week 8: Narrative paragraphs (Unit 10)
Week 9: Narrative paragraphs (Unit 10)
Week 10: Process analysis paragraphs (Unit 10), In-class essay
Week 11: Process analysis paragraphs (Unit 7)
Week 12: Process analysis paragraphs (Unit 7)
Week 13: Opinion paragraphs (Unit 9)
Week 14: Opinion paragraphs (Unit 9)
Week 15: Course review

Students write an in-class essay and three take-home essays (all one paragraph in length). References will be allowed for the take-home essays. However, plagiarized essays will face serious consequences.


Gyutto-e (20%), Homework and in-class contribution (15%), In-class essay (15%), Take-home essays (15%, 15%, 20%)


Folse, K. S., Muchmore-Vokoun, A. & Solomon, E. V. (2010). Great writing 2: Great paragraphs (3rd ed.). Tokyo: Cengage Learning. (ISBN: 9781424051007)


Not applicable


対面授業に加え、課外学習として、英語(基礎)用「ぎゅっとe」リーディング・リスニング(Aコース、PreAコース以外)、「Listen to Me」(Aコース、PreAコース)を課し、その消化率に基づく評価を授業全体の評価の20%とする。なお、5回以上欠席をした場合、「欠席」の評価がつく。履修取り下げ制度は採用しない。



初回の授業を欠席した場合は、課外学習の説明資料をアカデミック・イングリッシュ支援室のサイト ( http://elearn.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/access/ ) からダウンロードすること。
I generally believe that the ultimate goal of teaching is to help students to develop self-confidence and independent attitude towards learning. To this end, I value students' contribution in class. As the course instructor, I would like to follow the principles and teachings in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey, 1989). That is, I would like to make sure that students (and I) become proactive by focusing on what can be controlled rather than what cannot be controlled, have specific goals in mind, and set their priorities straight to achieve what is important in the long-run. Because second language acquisition requires painstaking commitment, the proactive, ambitious, and independent attitudes are particularly important. I will also be careful not to impose my own opinions, without first listening to students’ thoughts.
